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Secure Gateway


VNK Cyber Security and Intelligence protects web gateways. Cloud-native Secure Gateway future-proofs dispersed network and cloud architecture security.


Secure Gateway filters outbound user traffic to block harmful sites and anything that violates business regulations. It provides cloud-based security. Secure gateway services safeguard remote users connecting straight to the Internet without delay or cost.


Secure Gateway inspects traffic and imposes security content rules regardless of the user's location or cloud service. Some versions protect users against zero-day malware and botnets and the organisation from data loss.

Improves network performance: 

Removes hardware-based gateway performance restrictions. Cloud-native design avoids backhauling network traffic for appliance-based filtering. Secure Web Gateway also frees firewalls to analyse other incoming network traffic by analysing encrypted web packets.

Security administrators benefit from a secure web gateway solution that aggregates user and device activities into one dashboard. This centralises security controls for all users and devices, including cloud-based application access.

Image by Markus Winkler
Image by Ä°smail Enes Ayhan

Cost-effectively scales:

Secure Web Gateway's cloud-native design speeds deployment in many locations. This secure web gateway has no equipment, thus expanding offices or users doesn't need financial investment or administration.

Fully managed, flexible deployment: 

Secure Web Gateway's cloud-native design speeds deployment in many locations. This secure web gateway has no equipment, thus expanding offices or users doesn't need financial investment or administration.

Image by Sam Albury
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